CJ: 391 Introduction

    •  I am about to begin my senior year at Wichita State University this fall. Next spring I plan on receiving my B.A. in Political Science and Criminal Justice. I have been at WSU since August 2019, I begin my post-secondary career at Hutchinson Community College, which I attended for two years, getting an associates degree along the way. 
    • Achieving a higher education is important to me as I believe it will bring me opportunities that I could not have without it. I am a first-generation college student and plan on setting a foundation that my younger siblings can follow. 
    • When I am not studying or in class, I serve my community by volunteering for various things. I am a big in Big Brothers Big Sisters and participate in a board of zoning appeals for my county. I also work a part-time job at Cargill, a grain elevator where I do various tasks, such as rail loading and grain receiving during harvest. 
    • During my time at Hutchinson Community College, I participated in a walk-a-long at the Hutchinson correctional facility. I spent time at the Maximum, medium and minimum security facilities. I had the chance to learn routines and various tactics that correction officers used when facing various challenges. By taking this class, I hope I am able to expand my knowledge of what I know so far of the correctional system.  
    • Some of the things I like include pizza, watching comic book movies, spending time with my girlfriend, and traveling to new places. 


  1. Welcome to CJ 391! Thanks for sharing about your experience as a first gen student. Thats great!

    BBBS is an awesome program! I volunteer when I was an undergrad, too.

    Great, you already have some insight on what a prison looks and feels like. Keep that in mind throughout the class.

    Pizza is always great. What's your favorite comic book or character?

    -Dr. B.


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